Android : Is there any free PDF library for Android [closed]

I need a PDF library for manipulating a PDF documents, (creating PDF, image convertinng to PDF) and things like that but in Android.

I tried the android itext port but the library project generates compile errors after I added it to my Project. Looks like it is still using some affinetransformation classes that are defined in AWT.

It seems that no one of the pure java pdf libraries will work with android because they use libraries that aren't supported by android. I think I read that iText is interested in doing a port to android but thinks that google should support them if they did, haven't got a source on that though.

Here is a project in work for writing pdfs in android: Haven't tried it and it says that it only does simple pdfs

This might help you

PDF Library to rendering the PDF files in Android

You can also try pdfbox

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