Can I say "let's soak" meaning "let's get soaked"?

I'm having a hard time with some lyrics that I've been writing. The verb "to soak" got me stuck, because I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly.

At first, I wanted to say:

"Girl, by tomorrow we will be apart/ Until the morning, let us soak as feelings pour."

However, I'm not sure if it's right. When I say "let's soak as feelings pour", I want it to mean "let's get soaked". I've seen a couple examples in the internet where "soak" is being used instead of "get soaked", as in "I wanna soak in your sea" (excerpt of a song by "Cactus"). So, can anyone help me with this? I'm really stuck.

Another little thing, I have these other two options. I don't like how they sound with the melody, but they work: "'til then, wanna soak in you as feelings pour." "'til then, let us soak in love as feelings pour.""

Is it correct? Or ar there any problems with the way it's written?

There's no grammatical problem with your sentences. But all three of the options have different meanings/connotations. Others may disagree with my interpretations though.

Definitions from Merriam-Webster for soak (intransitive):

1 : to lie immersed in liquid (such as water) : become saturated by or as if by immersion
2a : to enter or pass through something by or as if by pores or interstices : permeate
b : to penetrate or affect the mind or feelings —usually used with in or into
3 : to drink alcoholic beverages intemperately


The "let us soak" version somewhat implies getting that they are getting very wet from crying (definition 1). It also has the interpretation of getting drunk (definition 3), especially when coupled with "feelings pour."

The "soak in you" version has a much stronger sexual connotation (definition 2b, mostly). I looked up the Cactus song you referred to and it is definitely very sexual. Not sure if that's what you are going for here or not.

"Soak in love" seems like a simple metaphorical meaning of love permeating them (definition 1), but not in a sexual way.