Antonym of "billable" [closed]

"Non-billable" is the common term according to some brief research.

As an alternative to the standard "non-billable" answer, there is a related concept of "direct" and "indirect" charges used in the contracting world. "Direct" charges are where hours worked are billed directly to the client (e.g. they get an invoice that says a developer worked on the task for 80 hours at X rate). "Indirect" charges are hours worked on generally internal company tasks (e.g. company training) that is paid out of the company's profit (i.e. the difference in what they pay you and what they charge the client).

My company (in the IT world) categorizes these as "overhead". We use this for company quarterly meetings, annual performance review meetings, time spent on recruitment or proposal writing, etc. "You may charge 1 hour to overhead for this meeting."

From a computer science perspective, the important distinction presumably is that you will be associating a payer (or payor) with each amount. With unbillable hours, there is no payer. So you could choose a word that emphasizes this: payerless, no_payer, without_payer. The last one would allow you to give billable hours the parallel label with_payer.