Term for how long employees stay within a company

What is the term to describe how long a given employee remains at a company?

For instance, if I wanted to use it in a sentence: The ______ of Software Engineers in Seattle, WA is about two years.

Maybe it's not one term, but I am struggling to convey this message clearly.

I think you're looking for tenure, defined by the online Merriam-Webster as

the amount of time that a person holds a job, office, or title

In your example, you would say

The average tenure of Software Engineers in Seattle, WA is about two years.

The tenure of Software Engineers in Seattle, WA is about two years.

From the Free Dictionary:

tenure (n.):

1.a The act, fact, manner, or condition of holding something in one's possession, as real estate or an office; occupation. 1.b A period during which something is held.

  1. The status of holding one's position on a permanent basis without periodic contract renewals: a teacher granted tenure on a faculty.

While the most common assocation for many people is that of definition 2., in university settings, it is the widely acceptable with the first definition, as in your sentence.

Another possibility: retention.

Ex: The average retention of Software Engineers in Seattle, WA is about two years.

From Dictionary.com:

Retention: 2. the state of being retained.

Retain: 1. To keep possession of 3. to continue to hold or have

This would be more likely used from the company's point of view. Ex: The company wants to retain its employees.

Most commonly: turnover, though it carries a precise technical meaning.

the rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced.


Another option may be tenure:

the amount of time that a person holds a job, office, or title.


Not all definitions of tenure include holding ordinary jobs, however.

Longevity literally means the length of a person's life, but is sometimes used figuratively to refer to the length of a person's employment.

If it was clear from context that you were talking about jobs, then writing the longevity of software engineers in Seattle is two years should be understood appropriately. Without context, though, it could be read as saying that after two years they die!

You could also clarify: the longevity of software engineers in a single job is two years.

Lifespan could be used in a similar way.