Ctrl+Y keyboard shortcut not working

When using my Windows 7 PC, the Ctrl+Y keyboard shortcut does nothing. Interesting notes:

  • Choosing the same command from the menu works (such as Edit > Redo)
  • Both the Ctrl and Y keys work fine independently of each other
  • Any additional combination of keys works fine (Ctrl+Alt+Y, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Y, etc)
  • For programs where Ctrl+Y is not the shortcut for Redo (in Adobe Illustrator, Ctrl+Y switches to Outline view), the shortcut still does not work.

So, it seems that something is globally preventing the Ctrl+Y combination (and ONLY that combination) from working properly.

I'm using a Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000 keyboard with Intellitype Pro installed, and Windows 7 64-bit. I also have a Logitech Performance MX mouse with their Control Center software installed, but I've disabled it for testing.

Here are the troubleshooting steps I've tried (with no effect):

  • Using another keyboard
  • Booting into safe mode
  • Connecting to the PC via Remote Desktop
  • Disabling all non-essential services
  • Upgrading Intellitype Pro to the latest version (Mouse and Keyboard Center)

Can anyone think of what may be causing this, or of any utilities that might help me track down what is suppressing this shortcut?


Solution 1:

I had the same issue, due to a Zen Coding plugin in Notepad++ that uses Ctrl+Y for something else. Given that Notepad++ is always opened on my computer, it blocked the keyboard shortcut everywhere.

Removing the plugin resolved the issue.

Solution 2:

The fix for me was closing Notepad++ :(

Seems that there is a plugin that uses the ctrl+y hotkey and is intercepting globally.