Trust SSL certificate to local system account

Solution 1:

Follow these steps to trust a certificate system-wide:

  1. Double-click the .crt file.

  2. Click Install certificate..., then Next >.

  3. Choose Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse...

  4. Choose Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK.

  5. Click Next >, then Finish.

This has however the drawback that Windows will trust any certificate signed by the same CA.

Solution 2:

sorry @Dennis, but that's not the best turn, because your solution only installs the certificate for the local user, not for the complete system! It's valid and good to install personal certificates, but not root certificates!


  1. start mmc.exe as Admin mmc dialog
  2. File > Add Snap-In (Ctrl-M)
  3. add "Certificate" add snapins dialog a). if you are not prompted and the snapin is added instantly, go back to 1)

    b) select "Computeraccount" from popup, then proceed and select "local computer"

    c) you should see "Certificate (local computer)" Snapin on the right add snapin store selection d) confirm (OK)

  4. Then right click the correct section, subsection "Certificates", where desired certificate should be installed to.

  5. Select "All Tasks" > "Import" from context menu
  6. then it's same up from your description point 3, normally the correct store should already be preselected because you right-clicked on it

This will fix the untrusted cert message for ALL (future) computer users and for services not running with your credentials!