Make iTunes stop prompting me for my username and password

On OSX Lion, iTunes keeps prompting me to enter my username and password to "sign in to enable this computer for automatic downloads." In the past I tried checking the box to remember my password but it kept forgetting, so now I just disabled the "always check for available downloads" option in Prefs -> Store. It still prompts me. It drives me crazy.

Is there a way to get it to stop prompting for my password, so it will just behave like a well-behaved offline music library manager, and only ask me for my username and password when I open the iTunes store?

All you need to do is Sign OUT of the itunes store!

If you are signed in, each time you fire up iTunes, it will try to login again and ask for your password. Sign out and it won't bother you!

Try to resetting your warnings, as suggested in this thread:

Open iTunes/preferences/advanced, then hit the box in the middle that says "reset warnings".

This sounds like you might have duplicate iTunes password entries in your keychain.

  1. Open your and search for entries with "iTunes" in it
  2. delete those iTunes entries (you need to know your passwords!)
  3. reboot (to clear out your cache)

Now try again.