Can't print in fast / draft when connected to printer over wifi, but can when connected via usb

Solution 1:

I've seen different features when someone is using the airprint driver (which automatically gets assigned to the printer when WiFied) compared to the 'normal' driver via USB. It says if it's airprint or not in system prefs>print&scan "Kind" Print & scan, Kind

You can choose what driver you want when you add the printer in the "use:" drop down. Try a couple. If as you say, the 6500 is the same but sans wifi then try the 6500 driver. I mean these are just first steps. I haven't even gotten into gutenprint or messing with ppd's to add features/paper sizes to drivers that don't officially support them. CUPS is some cool tech.

Solution 2:

Update and step-by-step directions:

On the latest versions of OSX (e.g. tested with High Sierra, 10.13.2) there is a seemingly handy option to add "nearby printer" which lists printers the OS can auto-locate. The problem is that this option defaults to using airprint and never gives the option to change the print driver with the "use" drop down.

To fix this (see also this Epson-focussed exchange on Apple Communities), reinstall the printer using the printer-specific driver:

  1. Open Printers & Scanners in System Preferences.
  2. Select the Printer with the troublesome airprint driver
  3. Press the minus sign, "-," at the bottom to remove the current printer
  4. Press the plus sign, "+," to add a new printer
  5. Don't select from the nearby list, but rather select "Other"
  6. The printer should still appear on the list in the resulting dialog. Select it, but before pressing add, access the "Use" drop down to select the corresponding printer driver. If your printer type is not listed below AirPrint, see if it is listed under "Select Software..." If it is still not there, you might need to download an updated driver from your printer manufacturers website.
  7. Once you have the corresponding driver selected in "Use" press the "Add" button.

This should now use the manufacturer customized printer dialog including the option to select "Fast" for "Print Quality" under the "Quality and Media" option set.