Is insurance coverage that you won’t “see a dime” a frequently-used English expression?

I saw the statement, “there are so many restrictions on (insurance) coverage that you won’t see a dime,” in the following sentence in the article of Time magazine (August 18), titled “Things you should stop buying now.”

“Credit-Card Payment Insurance: This “protection” can cost a few hundred bucks a year, and there are often so many restrictions and caveats on coverage that you won’t see a dime. Even if your claim is accepted, the insurance only pays the monthly minimum for a period of months.”

I assume “you won’t see a dime” means “you won’t be covered (compensated / remunerated) at all”, but I’m not sure.

There is no entry of “(don’t / can’t / won’t) see a dime” in any of Oxford, Cambridge, Merriam-Webster dictionary. Is such expression as “coverage (deal, agreement, transaction) you won’t see a dime” frequently used in conversation and writing?

Why can it be "won't 'get' a dime" or "won't 'recover' a dime," instead of "won't 'see' a dime"? Why is it 'see'?

Are there any other usages of “you won’t see a dime” than reference in financial context?

You'll rarely, if ever, see "you won't see a dime" used in connection with anything but some sort of remuneration:

  • "Because of your father's multiple wives, you won't see a dime of your inheritance."
  • "Due to exorbitant 'management fees,' you won't see a dime of any return on your investment."
  • "The IRS garnished my income, so I didn't see a dime of my bonus."

It turns out "won't see a penny" is a much more commonly used expression, and has been for much longer, with "won't see a dime" not making an appearance in print until the late 1880s:

Ngram, "see a dime" vs "see a penny"

(Interesting aside: According to Wikipedia, "the Coinage Act of 1792 established the dime (spelled "disme" in the legislation), cent, and mill as subdivisions of the dollar." Pennies plainly have been around for much longer.)

Edit: Responding to your edit, "you won't get a dime" is also used in the same sense as "you won't see a dime;" the usage doesn't seem any different to me, except that the possibility seems somewhat more remote when someone says, "You won't see a dime of your protection."

It seems you've got one thing wrong. The word coverage isn't a part of the phrase. It is "You won't see a dime/penny" and is commonly used to mean that you will not get any money or financial benefits, despite being promised otherwise. (So your general assumption was correct.)

In this particular case, you are told by the article that the insurance may promise you coverage (compensation) in case something bad happens, but there are so many restrictions that you'll never really get anything out of it. You won't see a dime of your money.

Edit: And as for the other forms, with "can't" or "don't" - they wouldn't really make much sense. (What's the point of stating that you currently don't see any dime?)