What does "call past" mean?

What does the expression "call past" mean? See some usages below:

I called past the supermarket on the way home from the office.

He just called past and asked to gather the team in the canteen.

Gary called past to check if Jimmy was doing okay.

I grew up with it. I can't believe that it is only an Australian saying. It does mean "to stop in"

Call past is equivalent to stop in while on the way somewhere else, as far as I recall its usage in books, films, and "BritCom" TV shows. (Stop in is American for stop by or visit.)

Here are two instances in books. Notes: Shirramore is in central Scotland. McMullen was born in Sale, Victoria, Australia.

Chambers's journal 1939, p. 272 -

In any case, I'll call past and drop Archie at Shirramore, where he seems anxious to call!

Sean McMullen, Glass Dragons, p. 94 -

"I meant it when I said call past if ever you travel here again," she insisted.