Why do I sometimes fully heal at the end of combat?

At first I thought I was crazy, but I've been keeping an eye out for it and it definitely happens on really rare occasions. I'll be fighting some enemies and when the battle ends, my life bar fills itself back up to full. In my last 2 hours of play or so, I've only seen it happen 3 times.

  • I did not level.
  • I don't have any gear that leeches health.
  • I don't have any abilities that leech health.
  • I did not accidentally drink a potion.
  • I wasn't in or just coming out of Reckoning mode.
  • In at least the most recent occasion, I had no blessings on me.

Anyone have any idea what might be triggering this?

If you have death's touch active you have 15% chance to get 20 health. its a blessing