Found the Space Core in Skyrim, what can I do with it?

Valve and Bethesda have made all my dreams come true by putting the Space Core into Skyrim.

Obviously there is the usual tossing and kicking, but I've heard that it can be used as a crafting ingredient as well?

What is the Space Core good for, once I have it?

In addition to it saying various SPAAAACE and Skyrim-related puns, you can also apparently take it into the midden under the College of Winterhold and create a Dovacore Helmet:

Put the space core on the pedestal, and make an offering of 8 refined moonstone (moonstone ore might also be acceptable) and an iron helmet. Pull the lever, and out pops a shiny new helmet. It looks like you can pick up the Space Core again when this is finished, so it is not consumed in the process.

Even if you haven't found the Space Core yet, you'll also occasionally see Wheatly floating around in space. Specifically, on the Skills menu.

Skills menu with Space Core