How to store items safely?

In Skyrim and previous Fallout games, you needed a home to store your findings permanently.

Is this still the same in Fallout 4? And when will the first spot come in the main story line?

Solution 1:

The Workshop is a secure location to store items (the workshop in Sanctuary is available immediately upon exiting the vault). Actual items (ie: not junk) stored in your workshop store will not be broken down automatically during construction of other structures.

Generic containers can also be used for storage as they do not appear to be reset after a period of time (like previous Fallout games and other games using Fallout 4's game engine like Skyrim) - I've had a set of containers (filing cabinets) that I placed next to my Workshop in Sanctuary and I've been storing Power Armor components in one and holodiscs in the other - so far these have not reset (over a period of three weeks of game world time).

Solution 2:

MOST containers are perfectly safe. All containers you make with the workshop ARE safe.

However, I wouldn't store items for long in instanced areas just in case. The Quarry area in particular, I lost all the items I stored there during my siege upon the place after the water drains out. Something about that place resets, so beware and don't store stuff there. So, if an instance has different quest tiers especially, watch out.

I have noticed that container items respawn with a high frequency in places I've already raided. Not sure why this is. Something to do with either continuing after a death instead of loading up a save.