Can a courtyard be used to describe a place that doesn't have plants?

I am trying to describe an area like a square, but it is not square shaped. I was wondering if a courtyard is an appropriate word to use because I have seen people use it but when I tried to google it to see what results I would get. The places I found all had trees, so I was wondering if people imagine a place with plants when courtyard is used and what other word could be used to describe an area that is like a square but is not square shaped.

The place I am talking about is 400,800 square meters including the building the surrounds the area, I don't know how big the courtyard is but I know that it is huge, I apologize if that is not helpful, but I really don't know.

I don't know how to explain it, but it is like a square, and it doesn't have plants. It is a place that is open in the middle of the building where people can sit and relax or even play, but it is not square shaped.

enter image description here

This is a link to the place I am trying to talk about:

[image Wikipedia]

Solution 1:

A courtyard is an area that is largely surrounded, usually by some building complex. The word that you might be searching for describing a large square that is not necessarily square-shaped could be the word "plaza". If the space has more the feeling of being inside (i.e. with some sort of roof), the correct word would be "atrium".

So, if you don't find the words "plaza" or "atrium" more appropriate, I would stick with the word "courtyard", which doesn't have to signify a small area per se. If you are uncertain about the topic of vegetation, just have a look at this explanation on Wikipedia where the main picture has no vegetation. Although courtyards often have some vegetation, it's not what defines a courtyard. Also, a courtyard doesn't have to be square-shaped.

This is a link to the place I am trying to talk about

Yes, the area just around the Kaaba is a courtyard.