Semicolon error after 'limits'? [closed]

The original sentence is as follows:

Though Ramez Naam does not entirely deny the possibility of a self-reliant AI in his quote like Pinker does in this article, the words from Naam’s quote show that AI has its limits; therefore, giving Pinker some support to his argument.

My professor circled the semicolon after 'limits' and I am unsure if there is an error because I used a semicolon incorrectly or if the error has to do with 'limits'. The error could also be that I have a dependent clause after 'therefore' but I think if that were the case my professor would not have circled my semicolon.

Semi-colons are used (among other reasons) as a replacement for the full stop (period) when the two independent clauses (phrase with a subject + predicate) are related in thought and given equal merit. If you were to replace that semi-colon with a period, then "therefore..." would not be a grammatically correct sentence as it does not have both a subject and predicate. Therefore, that semi-colon is incorrect.