How to reset per application volume setting in Windows 7 and Vista

I've altered per application volume settings for my applications. I want to reset every individual volume setting so that all apps use the global volume settings. How should I do that?

I've found a workaround that works but it's a bit hackish. I prefer a better solution but in the meantime try:

Set the global volume to maximum, move each individual application volume to maximum too. Then move the global volume down. It appears to be working. All application volume settings are now bound to the global setting.

The following .bat file from Per4u3e on the Microsoft Forums did the trick for me. It works by temporarily stopping audio services and modifying the registry to reset Windows to default audio settings.

Note that, at least on Windows 10, you may need to run the script as an admin.


ECHO Reset Volume Mixer Settings...

NET STOP Audiosrv
NET STOP AudioEndpointBuilder

REG DELETE "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore" /F
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore"

NET START Audiosrv

I have to do this all-max -> reset all the time. I finally searched the net to see if there was some secret hot key or combo I was missing. Apparently not. :/

So I made an autoit script to do this more quickly than humanly possible :) I compiled it via tools->build and that way I can run the exe by searching in the start menu.

It causes all sliders to unmute and go to 50%.


#include <GuiConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiSlider.au3>

Func SlideTo($Win, $Ctrl, $Pct)

    If Not IsInt($Pct) Or $Pct < 3 Or $Pct > 100 Then
        Return False

   $CtrlHandle = ControlGetHandle($Win, '', $Ctrl)
   if not $CtrlHandle Then
      Return False

    Local $SetValue, $SendValue
    If $Pct <= 51 Then
        $SetValue = $Pct + 1
        $SendValue = '{UP}'
        $SetValue = $Pct - 1
        $SendValue = '{DOWN}'
    _GUICtrlSlider_SetPos($CtrlHandle, $SetValue)
    Local $PrevOpt = Opt('SendKeyDelay', 1)
    ControlSend($Win, '', $Ctrl, $SendValue)
    Opt('SendKeyDelay', $PrevOpt)

    Return True

Func EachSliderTo($Win, $Pct)

   WinWait($Win, "")
   If Not WinActive($Win,"") Then WinActivate($Win,"")
   local $i = 1
   If not WinActive($Win,"") Then WinActivate($Win,"")
   While True
      $Ctrl = "[CLASS:msctls_trackbar32; INSTANCE:"& $i &"]"
      if not SlideTo($Win, $Ctrl, $Pct) Then
      $i = $i + 1
   Return True

$Win = "Volume Mixer"
$Prog = "SndVol.exe"
if Not WinActive($Win,"") Then
   if not WinActivate($Win,"") Then
      If not WinActive($Win,"") Then WinActivate($Win,"")
EachSliderTo("Volume Mixer",100);
EachSliderTo("Volume Mixer", 50);

Thanks to this autoit thread for info on moving slider controls.