How do I create a PGP Key Revocation Certificate in Kleopatra

I was successfully able to create a PGP Key using Seahorse in Ubuntu's Passwords and Keys (13.04). I was also able to create a revocation certificate, if needed in the future, using the terminal in Ubuntu.

My problem concerns doing this on a Windows machine (and Mac). I downloaded Gpg4win and used Kleopatra to create a PGP Key. I am however unable to find a way to create a revocation certificate for the key I generated.

I would appreciate some direction with this issue.

Under current versions of gpg4win, you can simply select the key, then open the "View" menu and select "Details".

View Details Menu

Then use the "Generate revocation certificate" button.

Details Window

Slightly modified answer by Jens Erat on Ask Ubuntu, plus information from comments above.


If you're fine with using the command line, this is easily done using gpg --gen-revoke using Windows Command Prompt.

On Windows, if you do not change anything else, the revocation certificate is stored in revoke.asc in your home directory (C:\Users\Name), and you should replace mykey by your key id.

gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke mykey

Remember to store it in a safe place, for example by printing it to a QR code or something similar.

Just in case if you're wondering on how to get the keyID of a key in the Command Prompt, (I ran into this :), It's the last 8 characters of your public key, which you could easily get printed by using the following commands.

gpg --fingerprint


gpg --list-keys

In Kleopatra, right-click on your key and click on Details. There will be a button called Generate revocation certificate.