How Do I Defeat Yomi?

What is a working strategy for defeating Yomi? Which paradigms should I be using, which monsters in my paradigm deck, and what is the overall flow of battle?

Solution 1:

It's actually all a matter of surviving, you only need 3 paradigms really, and I only really used the 3rd one once. Have Noel and Serah both be Sabs and have a strong sentinel (Silver choc) for one paradigm and the other have Noel and Serah both be Syns and have a good medic (Green Choc or Flanitor) then when Yomi isn't in the aura stay with the Sab paradigm and keep casting everything you got on him, mainly poison (this is how you'll defeat him mainly) then when he retreats switch to the syn/med paradigm and cast buffs and heal. Just keep doing that til he succumbs to poison and wound. The third paradigm you may need is all sentinels and that's just for when he unleashes his special attack.

Solution 2:

Chichu is ideal for this fight because he has the ability to take away Yomi's buffs with his physical attack. It even works while Yomi's barrier is up. I just switch to SYN (Noel) SYN (Purple Chocobo) MED as soon as he puts up his barrier and quickly buff, then switch to RAV RAV COM (Chichu) before the barrier falls to remove his pesky Bravery and Faith. With all Yomi's buffs gone and your party fully buffed, I hardly ever need a SEN. To finish him I just RAV RAV COM until he staggers then COM COM COM to own him. Keep MED SEN MED just in case you need the extra healing. I've been farming Yomi for Trapezohedrons for a day or so and I can take him down in under 5 minutes with this strategy no problem. Still only 1 Trapezohedron after 50+ battles though :(