Can you get reconstructive surgery in Mass Effect 3?

Solution 1:

In order to get the Med Bay Surgery Intel Upgrade, you'll first need to complete the mission Priority:Citadel (the second one, which follows Tuchanka). After the events on the Citadel, when you return to the Normandy, your Ships doctor will have a request for you in the med bay - she wants you to negotiate with a Turian in the Citadels refugee camp area to exchange their excess medical supplies for the Normandys excesses.

Once you make a deal, when you return to the Normandy, your ships doctor will award you with some credits, a Medi-Gel upgrade, and inform you that there's an upgrade availiable at the terminal in Liara's quarters. At this point, you can take the Med Bay Surgery upgrade, which offers you a choice between Facial Reconstruction to heal Shepards scars, or a Health Bonus of 5%.

This upgrade costs nothing.

Solution 2:

Yes, you will eventually get a piece of intel which unlocks a 5% health boost or healing your Lazarus scarring.

To clarify, intel unlocks research projects in Liara's quarters.