Has anyone seen a bitizen with Panna City Medicines dream job yet?

I've just gotten the reward for 35 decorations but it just occurred to me I've yet to see any bitizen with Panna City Medicines dream job. Or do they only trigger when you unlock the shop?

Solution 1:

Panna City Medicines now has dream jobs (as of the 1.3.0 update).

Panna City Medicines Dream Job

Solution 2:

I still have yet to see a single Panna City bitizen. It has been nearly a week and a half since the update. Either they do not exist, they are extremely uncommon, or the level is not permanent. Given the imbalance between maximum number of bitizens and levels, I'm beginning to think that they do not intend for the level to be permanent.

Or, at the end of the cycle, there will be another update adding more residence levels.