Verb for "unassigned deadline"

I'm creating a task management system that provides team managers with an overview of the state of the tasks within a list of projects. This could sum up my intent:

Project A:
  7 open issues
  3 unassigned
  2 without a deadline

Project B:

The arrangement isn't exactly like this, and in some situations it appears as 7 open issues (2 without a deadline), which, due to its length, is causing an ugly break on the system's UI.

My question is whether there's a verb that would express the same intent, "without a deadline set". I noticed that deadline exists as a verb, but undeadline doesn't (and anyway doesn't sound very good). Any alternatives?

Edit: I'm thinking w/o deadline. It's visually distinguishable and meets the requirements. Any other recommendations are still welcome.

Solution 1:

I'm thinking w/o deadline.

This means that you don't actually need a different word—but are simply looking for ways to make the phrase shorter.

Given this, I think that no deadline would be simpler and take up even less space.