What is the word for made up words with no meaning. E.g. Advisia, Tocodi [closed]
What is the word for made up words. E.g. Advisia, Tocodi
For example, if I was trying to think of a name for a website, I might just want to use a word tht has no meaning but sounds nice.
I do not mean Neologism which idescribes a relatively recent or isolated term, word, or phrase that may be in the process of entering common use, but that has not yet been fully accepted into mainstream language.
I mean the word for words which will perhaps never have a meaning but sound nice.
Solution 1:
You could say your website name is a coined word.
From Macmillan:
coin (verb) to use a word or phrase that no one has used before
Oxford says:
coin (verb) invent or devise (a new word or phrase)
Cambridge defines it like this:
coin (verb) to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time
Advisia and Tocodi are coined words.