Get advert links or get adverts links?

What if the best variant to use: get advert links or get adverts links? The idea is that there are a lot of adverts and each has a link. Thanks.

Solution 1:

In advert links, advert is a noun modifier. This construct doesn't mark number: the noun modifier is morphologically singular, even when it's semantically plural.

So even though the links are to multiple adverts, it's advert links, not *adverts links. Similarly, oil from olives is olive oil, not *olives oil, and a basket of eggs is an egg basket. Even pluralia tanta lose their plural marking when they're noun modifiers: a press for trousers is a trouser press, even for speakers who would never say a trouser.

(There are some cases where a noun modifier can be morphologically plural: for example, a hospital can have a burns ward, or a school can have an activities center. These are probably because the plurals have been reinterpreted as different lexical items from the singulars, so they can't used without number marking, but linguists are still arguing about this.)