In the medical field what terminology do they use in describe cures and treatments

When doctors diagnose a poison what are the treatments cures called to stop the poison? What other names to the cures and treatment are there?

There may be an Antidote to a poison.

Not so much a 'cure', more something to counteract the effects of the poison.

"Treatment of poisoning" is the general term. Depending on whether poisoning is due to inhaling, touching, swallowing, or injecting chemicals, gases, animal venoms, etc, there are specific guidelines for each one of them, which may include:

  • in situ first-aid
  • antidote administration
  • dyalisis
  • gastric lavage
  • symptomatic treatment
  • life support measures
  • in-hospital observation
  • etc.

Still, the general term is "treatment of poisoning" but you can be more specific by saying "treatment of ivy poisoning", "treatment of snakebite poisoning", etc.

The study and practice of the symptoms, mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment of poisoning is called "toxicology". from Wikipedia