What are the inhabitants of the island Ireland called? [closed]

On the island Great Britain lives the English, the Scots and the Welsh - they are all called British.

What are the corresponding words for citizens of countries Eire, Northern Ireland and the island Ireland?

Edit: has this changed during the course of history?

Logical categories and the politics of national identity aren't a good combination. There's no single answer to satisfy everyone.

The people of Eire can simply be called Irish. This is also probably the best single word to describe the people of the island of Ireland.

Many of those in the North would also choose to be called Irish (and the right to that identity is important and enshrined in the peace process). Others in the North would be opposed to this - vehemently in some cases - choosing to be called British instead. Note that "British" refers to inhabitants of the United Kingdom, not just of Great Britain*; there is no term like "UK-ish". "Northern Irish" is another way of referring to the inhabitants of NI; this is broadly accepted, though some hardliners - quite possibly on both sides - would disagree with that too.

To illustrate how fundamental this can be, I have even known one or two people who ended up having to select "mixed race" as neither "Irish" nor "White British" alone (the closest available options) captured more than half their identity, and we're not taking about people with militant leanings.

* Though "British" also refers to only those of us in GB (which makes historic and etmylogical sense.