What does "open recs" means?

This is entire message:

As time goes to infinity we plan on having Stripes building products very close to as many of our customers as possible, which is (much) more widely distributed than the status quo, which is (much) more widely distributed than open recs on any given Monday. There will be more on this subject coming later.

And this is the context: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19425274

When I googled I found "open recommendations" but it doesn't seem to fit the context. Maybe there is a typo but I think it's unlikely given the author.


The sentence does border on marketing gibberish; a collection of buzz-words designed to pass as informed opinions. The term "open recs" here would likely refer to open requirements, that is yet unfilled requests for material or employees.

Their spelling it recs rather than reqs is likely their using the word they heard rather than experience with the meaning.

Answer from the author:

It's industry jargon for "each allocation for a single person which appears on a planned set of hires."