Organisation Pretending to be "Benevolent" in reality seeks to kill people who are helpful (The Organisation secretly hates these people)

Let us say non-Chinese intelligence "Group Fox" goes to China and establishes an organisation say "HELP" whose overt declared aim is to "build a strong China".

Many Chinese people come forward and join this "HELP" organisation (thinking it is Chinese and will help China).

Unknown to these Chinese people their names and other details are handed over to other non-Chinese agencies by "HELP" through "Group Fox" and these Chinese people are then killed by non-Chinese intelligence agencies.


What is the one word to describe the actions & activities of "Group Fox" (master mind or parent organisation)?

What is the one word to describe the actions & activities of "HELP" (slave or child organisation)?

Is there any such word in English to describe this activity?

My suggestion

kindly do not suggest Agent Provocateur, because:

Agent Provocateur is the word used

  • If it was a single person, but this is an organisation, so we can't use Agent Provocateur.

  • Provocateur can be used only when people are duped into breaking the law. Here no law is broken

Hence what is the correct word?

Can we use the phrase "Wolf in sheep clothing".

Is there any similar phrase for a Corporate, Institution, Nation that performs such an action?

These four BOLDED words are existing words. PARENT organization would be considered a "subversive" organization. CHILD organization would be considered to be a "subsidiary" established as a "front" for the PARENT organization. This ACTIVITY would be "clandestine" in nature. I did not understand your final "suggestion - as a guide" offering, so it had to be ignored.