How do you pronounce "cURL," the computer utility? [closed]

Are there programmers here? I'd like to know how you guys pronounce cURL. Because I don't live in a country that uses English, I haven't heard it yet.

According to the authors of the library,

We pronounce curl and cURL with an initial k sound: [kurl].

This same FAQ notes that one of the reasons for which the name was chosen was "[t]he fact it can also be pronounced 'see URL'", an obvious pun on the use of the library, which as you know is to retrieve web resources.

For what it's worth, I always pronounce it with the initial k sound, as in the English word "curl."

I am a programmer and I would prefer to pronounce it spelled out as "see you are ell".

I use cURL as a verb, as in "kurl the service again to check that the GET is idempotent." And I type cURL all the time - it's just much easier to think and say kurl than C-U-R-L.