How to pronounce "Linux" [closed]

From the Linux Wikipedia page, here's how Linus Torvalds pronounces it: /'lɪ.nəks/

The link to Torvalds' pronunciation is broken, but I have it on my hard drive. It is a quote from Torvalds himself (I meant Himself, sorry). In it, He says, "My name is Linus Torvalds, and I pronounce 'linux' as 'linux'."

The first vowel sound is the same as that in "LINT", and the second is the same as that in "SUCKS". So it ends up as "linnucks". The emphasis is on the first syllable.

For those like me to whom /'lɪ.nəks/ is greek.

Its pronounced as - Lih Nux.
Li as in Lee and Nux as in sucks. Don't get me wrong. I am a big linux fan.