How are C++ include guards typically named? I tend to see this a lot:

#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H

// ...


However, I don't think that's very intuitive. Without seeing the file name it's difficult to tell what FOO_H is there for and what its name refers to.

What's considered best practice?

Solution 1:

I personally follow Boost's recommendation. It's perhaps one of the largest collection of C++ libraries of good quality around and they don't have problem.

It goes like:


// include/pet/project/file.hpp

which is:

  • legal (note that beginning by _[A-Z] or containing __ is not)
  • easy to generate
  • guaranteed to be unique (as a include guard) within a project (else you have two files at the same place)
  • guaranteed not to be used for anything else (if you end another macro with INCLUDED you're spoiling for a fight)

I've read about GUID but those look weird.

And obviously I'd rather than all compilers implement #pragma once (or better, #pragma multiple and "once" be the default behavior...)

Solution 2:

From my own experience, the convention is to name the inclusion guards after the header file containing them with the exception that the name is all in caps and the period is replaced with an underscore.

So test.h becomes TEST_H.

Real life examples of this include Qt Creator, which follows this convention when auto-generating class header files.

Solution 3:

Taken directly from google's style guide:

All header files should have #define guards to prevent multiple inclusion. The format of the symbol name should be <PROJECT>_<PATH>_<FILE>_H_. To guarantee uniqueness, they should be based on the full path in a project's source tree. For example, the file foo/src/bar/baz.h in project foo should have the following guard:

 #ifndef FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_
 #define FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_
 #endif  // FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_

I use this style in my own projects.

Solution 4:

Look at the code that #include's your header.

If it is something like:

#include "mylib/myheader.h"

mylib/myheader.h is already a unique name. Just capitalize and replace / and . with _


If you have two headers on your include path with the same name relative to the include path, you already have a collision at that level.

Solution 5:

Replace FOO_H with FOO_H_INCLUDED and it's clearer.