Solution 1:

There are words like congruent, isomorphic and isometric that means similar to what you want but they do not fit in the context.

Congruent is used in geometry and isomorphic is used in biology mainly.

In my opinion, your best bet is saying "equal in size".

Also there is one word that means exactly equal in size: equisized

from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia Of the same size.

Though, this word is not well-established and when I search it, I see that it is mainly used in technical articles.

Solution 2:

The first word that comes to mind is "congruent."

For DVDs and wheel-shaped things in general you might get away with the word equirotal but that's a bit more metaphorical than adjectives should be.

"Proportional" can be equal in size ("proportionally cubed cheese" for example) but does not always imply that.

Times, intervals and distances can be 'regular' even though their content varies, so long as they are equal in size or length.

The noun 'doublet' can imply things that are very similar but not identical "a doublet of disks."

The word "symmetrical" flirts with this meaning. A symmetry exists between the two DVDs, the houses are symmetrical, but even that still may convey other characteristic resemblance.

Solution 3:

What about equidimensional?

Equidimensional is an adjective applied to objects that have nearly the same size or spread in multiple directions. As a mathematical concept, it may be applied to objects that extend across any number of dimensions. More specifically, it's also used to characterize the shape of three-dimensional solids