How to get parent node in Capybara?

I'm working with many jQuery plugins, that often create DOM elements without id or other identification properties, and the only way to get them in Capybara (for clicking for example) - is to get their neighbor (another child of its ancestor) first. But I didn't find anywhere, does Capybara support such things for example:

find('#some_button').parent.fill_in "Name:", :with => name


Solution 1:

I really found jamuraa's answer helpful, but going for full xpath gave me a nightmare of a string in my case, so I happily made use of the ability to concatenate find's in Capybara, allowing me to mix css and xpath selection. Your example would then look like this:

find('#some_button').find(:xpath,".//..").fill_in "Name:", :with => name

Capybara 2.0 update: find(:xpath,".//..") will most likely result in an Ambiguous match error. In that case, use first(:xpath,".//..") instead.

Solution 2:

I found the following that does work:

find(:xpath, '..')

Capybara has been updated to support this.

Solution 3:

There isn't a way to do this with capybara and CSS. I've used XPath in the past to accomplish this goal though, which does have a way to get the parent element and is supported by Capybara:

find(:xpath, '//*[@id="some_button"]/..').fill_in "Name:", :with => name