How to fix the scrollbars in Mac

Solution 1:

In System Preferences » General you can select Show scroll bars: Always. If you select that, applicable scrollbars are always displayed in their dedicated area, and don't resize when the pointer hovers over them.

Screenshot of scroll bars

Solution 2:

It's one of the new features in Mountain Lion:

Improved scroll bars

Scroll bars in Mountain Lion expand when you hover the cursor over them, so it’s easier to scroll a web page or document.

I tried searching for hidden preferences for disabling it, but didn't find anything.

for f in $(mdfind kMDItemContentType==public.unix-executable -onlyin /System/Library/); do strings "$f" 2> /dev/null | grep -E '^[[:alnum:]_.-]{10,80}$' | grep -i scroll | sort -u | sed "s/^/${f##*/} /g"; done