How to open the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts or Groups

Solution 1:

If I'm getting you right and you want this just for local computer, then this'll do. Win+R and run lusrmgr.msc

Solution 2:

On Windows 7, click on Networks and then click on Active Directory.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

To search for active directory users you can open "Find Users, Contacts and Groups" window by using the following Run command: rundll32.exe dsquery.dll,OpenQueryWindow

Solution 4:

I would use SYDI server, to be more precise sydi-wrapper.vbs and sydi-audit-localgroups.vbs tool.

First tool will allow you to collect reports from a list of servers in excel file or from a specific OU in a domain tree.

sydi-wrapper description

The script is included in the tools directory of SYDI Server. It allows to run SYDI against multiple computers. For that purpose you need to edit script for your configuration, specifying gathering options i.e. WMI-options, export formats, location options.

Using the script:

Cscript.exe sydi-wrapper.vbs [options]


cscript.exe sydi-wrapper.vbs -tComputers.csv

cscript.exe sydi-wrapper.vbs -aDC=contoso,DC=com

cscript.exe sydi-wrapper.vbs -a”OU=Member Servers,DC=contoso,DC=com”

sydi-audit-localgroups description

The script is included in the tools directory of SYDI Server. It works in the same way as SYDI Overview does. It parses SYDI-Server XML files and creates an Excel file containing a list of all your local groups on your client computers and member servers. The Excel file will have an overview sheet which lists all your groups and a separate sheet for each and every group.

Using the script:

Cscript.exe sydi-audit-localgroups.vbs -xC:\SYDI\Output


cscript.exe sydi-overview.vbs -x"D:\sydi output"

You will get an excel file with all of the groups available on the 1st sheet. If you click on the link opposite to the Group Name you will have all the local users\groups listed for every server.

*The scripts will run and attempt to connect under logged in account, make sure this is domain one.