How to make a RHEL repo static for a specific release

I have been working with CentOS for quite a while now and i got used to the way the repos are managed. Recently a new proprietary app required the company to get RHEL licences and the repo management has become a nightmare.

Synchronizing the RHEL repo means downloading almost 15k packages (for v5) and i would really like to limit my mirror to offer packages based on a specific release (i.e. 5.8, 5.9).

I have been googling for a few days and i can't find anything related. any ideas how is it implemented in CentOS?

I forgot to add that i'm already using mrepo for repo sync and cobbler for systems provisioning.

Solution 1:

With redhat satellite you can create channels with a specific version or at a point in time with the command :

spacewalk-create-channel --user=satadmin --server=localhost --version=5 --update=u8 --release=Server --arch=x86_64 --destChannel=rhel-5.8-x86_64 --clone

It is important to put the --clone option to create the repo with groups.

You have another command if you want to make a repo at a point in time.


spacewalk-clone-by-date --user=username --server=localhost -l rhel-x86_64-server-5 rhel-x86_64-server-5U2 -d 2012-01-19

Hope this will be helpful.