"Show In Finder" won't open a new finder window
The "Show In Finder" action isn't working on Mac OS X Mountain Lion. The problem has just started to occur all the time, before it was a bit sporadic, but now it happens all the time.
Things that don't work:
- In the chrome Downloads page clicking any of the "Show in Finder" links.
- Right clicking a file in XCode and choosing "Show in Finder"
Things that work:
open .
in terminal -
after command tabbing to Finder.
Things I've tried to fix the issue:
Opt - Right Click
finder in the dock and relauching - Restarting my computer
Anybody ever experienced this issue?
Solution 1:
It is a bug introduced by Apple in 10.8.2.
Workaround: when it happens, in Terminal run the following:
sudo killall -KILL appleeventsd
Alternatively, use Activity Monitor to kill appleeventsd. More information on the issue.
Solution 2:
I had to delete the lockfile also:
rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist.lockfile
and then restarting the finder (or you can reboot):
killall Finder