Count BW / color pages in PDF
Solution 1:
Found this over at
gs -o - -sDEVICE=inkcov input.pdf | grep -v "^ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000" | grep "^ " | wc -l
Worked well for me
Total page count can be found by
pdfinfo input.pdf | grep Pages:
Solution 2:
On Linux (and probably mac/other Unix), the following very short BASH script seems to do the trick:
for page in $(identify -density 12 -format '%p ' "$file") ; do
if convert "$file[$((page-1))]" -colorspace RGB -unique-colors txt:- | sed -e 1d | egrep -q -v ': \(\s*([0-9]*),\s*\1,\s*\1' ; then
echo $page
Name the script something like
, and make it executable with chmod +x
and then run ./ "pdfname.pdf"
and it should return a list of page numbers.
This requires ImageMagick and probably Ghostscript to be installed. And it's not the speediest thing in the world.
Sorry, I have no clue how to adapt this for Windows (without Cygwin or similar, anyway).
Solution 3:
Having the same task as the OP and working in Windows, I've found the following solution to work quickly and nicely: Spool File Page Counter SDK is non-free but the evaluation version still does the job. Download the zip file from the above link, unzip it and run bin/C#_ParsingTest yourfile.pdf
. You'll see something like
Page 1 is [ BW]
Page 2 is [Color]
Page 143 is [Color]
Statistics: bwPageCount=99, colorPageCount=44
The Rapid PDF Count mentioned in another answer here requires installation (which for my one-time job---dissertation printing) is a disadvantage. However it also does the job and provides a GUI. After installing it, run it, drag-and-drop the PDF file into it, check Color Pages Counting
in Setup/Options, then click the Page count files in list
Interestingly, the results for my thesis differ by 1 page (99/44 vs. 100/43). I believe, this is because some figure (I made all with Inkscape) is actually black-and-white but is described as colour in metadata. I am not sure. What I didn't find in Rapid PDF Count is a list of all colour/B&W pages, so I cannot tell the exact source of this discrepancy.