How to start/open a file/folder that contains space in its name through command-line?

Solution 1:

You would use:

start "" "c:\program files\"

That is because the first parameter is used as the title of the window, and is oddly enough, enclosed in double quotes.


Here is a source about it: SS64

As an example, if you just type start "title" it opens a new cmd window with the title "title" in the title bar.

Solution 2:

Do you specifically need to use start?

You can use explorer "c:\program files" to give you the effect you are looking for.

Solution 3:

If you are already in the current directory, you could always do this.

C:\>cd "C:\Program Files"

C:\Program Files>start .

C:\Program Files>

Solution 4:

Type cd space and press Tab it will give you the directory items list, simple.