Is it possible to replace notify-osd with Gnome 3 Indicators? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Gnome 3 notifications are replaced with notify-osd when the machine goes to sleep

I have gnome shell installed in ubuntu 11.04 fully. It still, however, uses the ubuntu notification rounded transparent rectangle notifiers at the top right of the screen.

What I want is for it to use the default gnome shell indicators, those that use the tray and hot corner at the bottom right of the screen.

Is this possible? If so, how?

You should just use GNOME Shell in 11.10, it will work as expected.

Your best bet is to wait for 11.10 to come out and if you dont whanna wait then u can try the beta. Unless you whant to make the work rysking data,but still to make it easy and if i were you i would just wait for the 11.10 oneiric oncelot to come out because they have GNOME 3 available along side unity and what your triyng to do is higly risky and nearly impossibly {note:i said nearly}