How to reset intellisense in VS Code?

If you make a code change while VsCode is debugging, the intellisense sometimes appears to malfunction with false compile errors. Fastest way to reset or correct it?

Solution 1:

Restart the TypeScript language service

In VS Code, and in a TypeScript source file (this won't work in a css or json file),

  1. Open the Command Palette (view menu → command palette)
  2. Enter TypeScript: Restart TS server. (type "restart" and it should autosuggest)

Solution 2:

You may Ctrl+Shift+P or F1, then write "reset.." in command pallete, and choose in popup list "C/C++ Reset IntelliSense database".enter image description here

Solution 3:

For C# use this:

cmd+shift+P or ctrl+shift+P brings up command bar, then OmniSharp: restart OmniSharp. Type restart and it will suggest that.