How to insert text line between two tables in Microsoft Word?

Solution 1:

Ctrl+Shift and Enter works for me on Word 14 (aka Word 2010 in Office 2010).

This works, if your cursor is at the start of the second table.

Solution 2:

It sounds like the tables are actually attached to each other if there is no line between them.

Don't know what version you are using, but in Word 2010, I simply split the table.

Started with this;

enter image description here

Chose the row of the table where I wanted to split above and clicked the split button;

enter image description here


enter image description here

Solution 3:

Table Properties -


  • Text Wrapping = None

incorrect (causes the problem)

  • Text Wrapping = Around

If you want to have text and lines between two tables, both tables must be "inline" with the text (Wrapping = None) in order to put text between them. If one of the two tables is floating above the text (Wrapping = Around) with the text moving around it, you can't insert text in-between.

Solution 4:

I had a similar problem with a table at the top of a new section--all the usual suggestions did not work. This was my answer, I suspect it will resolve your issue as well:

Solution 5:

I had the same problem, but I solved it. Maybe it's not the most elegant solution, but it works. In the table above I added a row at the bottom (or at the top of the table below).

Select marked row and convert it into text.

Select Layout -> Data -> Convert to Text.

In this way I got a blank line between the tables.