PowerShell Get List Of Folders Shared

Solution 1:

Try this:

get-WmiObject -class Win32_Share -computer dc1.krypted.com

Ref: List Shares in Windows w/ PowerShell

Solution 2:

Powershell is not able too use SMB protocol in order to list the shares on a remote computer. There's only one way of enumerating shares remotely from the command line that I know of, and thats with net view:

C:\Users\mark.henderson>net view \\enetsqnap01
Shared resources at \\enetsqnap01

Share name             Type  Used as  Comment

Backups                Disk
CallRecordings         Disk
Download               Disk           System default share
home                   Disk           Home
homes                  Disk           System default share
Installs               Disk
Justin                 Disk           Copy of files from Justin laptop
michael                Disk
Multimedia             Disk           System default share
Network Recycle Bin 1  Disk           [RAID5 Disk Volume: Drive 1 2 3 4]
Public                 Disk           System default share
Qsync                  Disk           Qsync
Recordings             Disk           System default share
Sales                  Disk           Sales Documents
SalesMechanix          Disk
Server2012             Disk           Windows Server 2012 Install Media
Usb                    Disk           System default share
VMWareTemplates        Disk
Web                    Disk           System default share
The command completed successfully.

This is not particularly parsable on its own, but, you can throw it into an array to process the data line by line:

$sharedFolders = (NET.EXE VIEW \\enetsqnap01) 

You now have an array, and starting at $sharedFolders[7] you have your shares. You could then split on something like a double space - unlikely to appear in a share name itself, and should work unless your share name is very long, only leaving a single space between the share name and the type field:

$sharedFolders[7].split('  ')[0]

You could process these by using a ForEach and some conditional logic. It wouldn't be perfect, but it should work for most use cases.

For brevity, to just output the filenames to the console:

(net view \\enetsqnap01) | % { if($_.IndexOf(' Disk ') -gt 0){ $_.Split('  ')[0] } }

Solution 3:

If you want to find the shares of the local machine you can just do Get-SmbShare:

> Get-SmbShare

Name                          ScopeName                     Path                          Description
----                          ---------                     ----                          -----------
ADMIN$                        *                             C:\WINDOWS                    Remote Admin
C$                            *                             C:\                           Default share

Solution 4:

Expanding on Mark Henderson's answer:

$Servers = ( Get-ADComputer -Filter { DNSHostName -Like '*' }  | Select -Expand Name )
foreach ($Server in $Servers)
    (net view $Server) | % { if($_.IndexOf(' Disk ') -gt 0){ $_.Split('      ')[0] } } | out-file C:\file_shares\$Server.txt