Console like Gnome Terminal for Windows [closed]

Solution 1:

Try Console and see if that fits your needs.

Console is a Windows console window enhancement. Console features include: multiple tabs, text editor-like text selection, different background types, alpha and color-key transparency, configurable font, different window styles

Solution 2:

Found similar question on stackoverflow. I'm the author of ConEmu (open source Console Emulator).

ConEmu can be used with any console application or simple GUI tools (like PuTTY for example). ConEmu is a live project, open to suggestions.

A brief excerpt from the long list of options:

  • Use any font installed in the system, or copied to a folder of the program (ttf, otf, fon, bdf)
  • Run selected tabs as Administrator (Vista+) or as selected user
  • Windows 7 Jump lists and Progress on taskbar
  • Integration with DosBox (useful in 64bit systems to run DOS applications)
  • Smooth resize, maximized and fullscreen window modes
  • Scrollbar initially hidden, may be revealed by mouseover or checkbox in settings
  • Optional settings (e.g. pallette) for selected applications
  • User friendly text and block selection (from keyboard or mouse), copy, paste, text search in console
  • ANSI X3.64 and Xterm 256 color
  • Quake/tilde style ;)

Read Scott Hanselman's article about ConEmu.

Solution 3:

Mintty is a terminal emulator for Cygwin and Cygwin derivatives such as MSYS. It can be downloaded from here or it can be installed through Cygwin's setup.exe program, where it can be found in the Shells category. The Cygwin installer creates a shortcut for mintty in the Windows start menu.

Features include:

  • Xterm-compatible terminal emulation.
  • Native Windows user interface with a simple options dialog.
  • Easy copy & paste.
  • Drag & drop of text, files and folders.
  • Ability to open files and URLs with Ctrl+click.
  • Comprehensive character encoding support, including UTF-8.
  • Wide character display and Windows IME support.
  • Window transparency, including glass effect on Vista and 7.
  • Options are stored in a text file. No registry entries.
  • Small program size and quick scrolling.

Solution 4:

What you are looking for is a terminal emulator. A good cross-platform emulator is Terminator.

Solution 5:

I am using Cygwin / CygwinPorts. Actually, I'm running RoxTerm instead of gnome-terminal, but the latter is also possible. This solution is somewhat heavyweight, but since I not only need the terminal emulation, but also the bash / perl / vim / gcc / make environment, X Window server et al., it perfectly fit my bill. And it gives you "the real thing", i.e. gnome-terminal, not something "almost like it".