Jupyter notebook never finishes processing using multiprocessing (Python 3)

Solution 1:

It seems that the problem in Jupyter notebook as in different ide is the design feature. Therefore, we have to write the function (prime_factor) into a different file and import the module. Furthermore, we have to take care of the adjustments. For example, in my case, I have coded the function into a file known as defs.py

def prime_factor(value):
    factors = []
    for divisor in range(2, value-1):
        quotient, remainder = divmod(value, divisor)
        if not remainder:
            factors = [value]
    return factors

Then in the jupyter notebook I wrote the following lines

import multiprocessing  
import random
from multiprocessing import Pool
import defs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool = Pool()
    to_factor = [ random.randint(100000, 50000000) for i in range(20)]
    results = pool.map(defs.prime_factor, to_factor)
    for value, factors in zip(to_factor, results):
        print("The factors of {} are {}".format(value, factors))

This solved my problem

enter image description here

Solution 2:

To execute a function without having to write it into a separated file manually:

We can dynamically write the task to process into a temporary file, import it and execute the function.

from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
import inspect

def parallal_task(func, iterable, *params):

    with open(f'./tmp_func.py', 'w') as file:
        file.write(inspect.getsource(func).replace(func.__name__, "task"))

    from tmp_func import task

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        func = partial(task, params)
        pool = Pool(processes=8)
        res = pool.map(func, iterable)
        return res
        raise "Not in Jupyter Notebook"

We can then simply call it in a notebook cell like this:

def long_running_task(params, id):
    # Heavy job here
    return params, id

data_list = range(8)

for res in parallal_task(long_running_task, data_list, "a", 1, "b"):


('a', 1, 'b') 0
('a', 1, 'b') 1
('a', 1, 'b') 2
('a', 1, 'b') 3
('a', 1, 'b') 4
('a', 1, 'b') 5
('a', 1, 'b') 6
('a', 1, 'b') 7

Note: If you're using Anaconda and if you want to see the progress of the heavy task, you can use print() inside long_running_task(). The content of the print will be displayed in the Anaconda Prompt console.