How do I do OuterHTML in firefox?

Solution 1:

Here's the function we use in pure.js:

function outerHTML(node){
    return node.outerHTML || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(node);

To use it the DOM way:


And it works cross browsers

EDIT: WARNING! There is a trouble with XMLSerializer, it generates an XML(XHTML) string.
Which means you can end up with a tags like <div class="team" /> instead of
<div class="team"></div>
Some browsers do not like it. I had some pain with Firefox 3.5 recently.

So for our pure.js lib we came back to the old and safe way:

function outerHTML(node){
    // if IE, Chrome take the internal method otherwise build one
  return node.outerHTML || (
          var div = document.createElement('div'), h;
          div.appendChild( n.cloneNode(true) );
          h = div.innerHTML;
          div = null;
          return h;

Solution 2:

The proper approach (for non-IE browsers) is:

var sOuterHTML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(oElement);

Solution 3:

If you are willing to use jQuery then it's relatively simple:

$('<div>').append( $(ElementSelector).clone() ).html();

This will get the outer HTML of multiple elements if multiple elements are selected.

Solution 4:

outerHTML is now supported by Firefox:

From Firefox 11 for developers

Firefox 11 shipped on March 13, 2012. This article provides information about the new features and key bugs fixed in this release, as well as links to more detailed documentation for both web developers and add-on developers.

  • The element.outerHTML property is now supported on HTML elements.