What are good sources for Starcraft 2 replays? [closed]

There are so many replay sites, and so many of them are useless. So many replays and replay packs are on megaupload-like sites and submitted only to some forums.

What is the best way of searching for replays of good players?

1. If you want to post a replay site, make one post per site.
2. Avoid duplicates, upvote instead.

Many of the top players have their games posted on GosuGamers. Further, the games are rated by the community, so you will know which games will be the most entertaining or informative.

Sc2Replayed is a new site that is capable of extracting a lot of interesting informations ("DNA", builds, upgrades) from replays.

It also has extremely high uploads/day rate.

My favorite youtube channels are below in no particular order.

day9tv, AskJoshy, HDstarcraft, HuskyStarcraft, moletrap

check out replayladder.com