Detect browser character support in javascript?

If you create two SPANs, one containing the character you want, and the other containing an unprintable character U+FFFD (�) is a good one, then you can test whether they have the same width.

<div style="visibility:hidden">
  <span id="char-to-check">&#9839;</span>
  <span id="not-renderable">&#xfffd;</span>
  alert(document.getElementById('char-to-check').offsetWidth ===
        ? 'not supported' : 'supported');

You should make sure that the DIV is not styled using a fixed font.

"Browser support" is not the problem here. You should be serving your files as UTF-8*, and use the appropriate characters rather than the HTML entities.

  • Unicode sharp symbol: ♯ (U+266F)
  • Unicode flat symbol: ♭ (U+266D)

You should also make sure to save your files in UTF-8 (and not, say, ASCII or ISO-8859-1).

See also: the must-be-mentioned Joel on Software: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!).

*I'm not a Rails guy, but I think it does this by default.