No Main class found in NetBeans

Solution 1:

  1. Right click on your Project in the project explorer
  2. Click on properties
  3. Click on Run
  4. Make sure your Main Class is the one you want to be the entry point. (Make sure to use the fully qualified name i.e. mypackage.MyClass)
  5. Click OK.
  6. Run Project :)

If you just want to run the file, right click on the class from the package explorer, and click Run File, or (Alt + R, F), or (Shift + F6)

Solution 2:

Also, for others out there with a slightly different problem where Netbeans will not find the class when you want when doing a browse from "main classes dialog window".

It could be that your main method does have the proper signature. In my case I forgot the args.

example: public static void main(String[] args)

The modifiers public and static can be written in either order (public static or static public), but the convention is to use public static as shown above.

Args: You can name the argument anything you want, but most programmers choose "args" or "argv".

Read more here:

Solution 3:

When creating a new project - Maven - Java application in Netbeans the IDE is not recognizing the Main class on 1st class entry. (in Step 8 below we see no classes).

When first a generic class is created and then the Main class is created Netbeans is registering the Main class and the app could be run and debugged.

Steps that worked for me:

  1. Create new project - Maven - Java application (project created: mytest; package created:
  2. Right-click package:
  3. New > Java Class > Named it 'Whatever' you want
  4. Right-click package:
  5. New > Java Main Class > named it: 'Main' (must be 'Main')
  6. Right click on Project mytest
  7. Click on Properties
  8. Click on Run > next to 'Main Class' text box: > Browse
  9. You should see:
  10. Select it and click "Select Main Class"

Hope this works for others as well.

Solution 4:

I had the same problem in Eclipse, so maybe what I did to resolve it can help you. In the project properties I had to set the launch configurations to the file that contains the main-method (I don't know why it wasn't set to the right file automatically).