Why does Java allow arrays of size 0?

Solution 1:

It signifies that it is empty. I.e. you can loop over it as if it had items and have no result occur:

for(int k = 0; k < strings.length; k++){
   // something

Thereby avoiding the need to check. If the array in question were null, an exception would occur, but in this case it just does nothing, which may be appropriate.

Solution 2:

Why does Java allow arrays of size 1? Isn't it pretty useless to wrap a single value in an array? Wouldn't it be sufficient if Java only allowed arrays of size 2 or greater?

Yes, we can pass null instead of an empty array and a single object or primitive instead of a size-one-matrix.

But there are some good arguments against such an restriction. My personal top arguments:

Restriction is too complicated and not really necessary

To limit arrays to sizes [1..INTEGER.MAX_INT] we'd have to add a lot of additional boudary checks,(agree to Konrads comment) conversion logic and method overloads to our code. Excluding 0 (and maybe 1) from the allowed array sizes does not save costs, it requires additional effort and has an negative impact on performance.

Array models vector

An array is a good data model for a vector (mathematics, not the Vector class!). And of course, a vector in mathematics may be zero dimensional. Which is conceptually different from being non-existant.

Sidenote - a prominent wrapper for an (char-)array is the String class. The immutable String materializes the concept of an empty array: it is the empty String ("").