Covering cars or vans with advertisement images, what is this called?

Solution 1:

From The Food Truck Handbook, 2012:

Vehicle wrapping is also known as vehicle graphics, transit graphics, wrap advertising, transit advertising, and vehicle decals.

I'm a bit surprised they didn't also include the term most familiar to me (vehicle signage). Perhaps that's because I'm UK-based, I don't know.

Another term frequently used in this context is Custom Livery. There's a preponderance of racing cars in the images in that link, but I associate the expression more with buses/coaches, shop delivery vans, and haulage lorries. To me, livery is either pure decoration, or it normally advertises the owners of the vehicle. So I don't really like seeing it applied to racing cars which are mainly covered with advertisements for sponsors. I suppose you could say the sponsors "own" the car, but it doesn't seem quite right to me if all they did was supply the oil, for example.

Solution 2:

It's called wrapping.

Not much more to say, really. This really is a three-word answer.